The fees will be set freely and by mutual agreement between the lawyer and the client, within the limits of the law and the status of the profession. The determination of the lawyer's fee will depend on each of the following elements:

the time and volume of work requested for the execution of the mandate received or the activity requested by the client;

the nature, novelty and difficulty of the case;

the importance of the interests in question;

the circumstance that the acceptance of the mandate granted by the client prevents the lawyer from accepting another mandate, from another person, if this circumstance can be ascertained by the client without additional investigations;

the notoriety, the titles, the seniority, the experience, the reputation and the specialization of the lawyer;

cooperation with experts or other specialists imposed by the nature, object, complexity and difficulty of the case;

the advantages and results obtained for the client's profit, as a result of the work submitted by the lawyer;

the financial situation of the client;

the time constraints in which the lawyer is obliged by the circumstances of the case to act in order to ensure efficient legal services.

Depending on the needs and possibilities of the client, the following can be established:

  • hourly fees;
  • fixed fees (flat rate);
  • successful fees;
  • fees consisting of a combination of the above criteria.

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